Submit Your Press Release

Welcome to the Press Release Submission Page of I Am Refocused Radio. We are thrilled to extend an invitation to all companies seeking to share their latest news and announcements with our audience. Submit your press release today to have it featured on our website’s blog section, reaching a wide audience of engaged readers.

How to Submit:

Sending your press release to us is simple. Just email it to with the subject line “[Company’s Name] Press Release.” Upon receiving your submission, our dedicated editorial team will carefully review its content and relevance.

Our Review Process:

We take pride in maintaining high standards of professionalism and relevance for the content featured on our platform. Therefore, each press release undergoes a thorough review process. While we strive to accommodate all submissions, we reserve the right to decline those that do not meet our criteria or are deemed unsuitable for our audience.

What We Expect in a Press Release:

To ensure your press release meets our standards, here’s a quick outline of what we look for:

  1. Headline: Clear and attention-grabbing to entice readers.
  2. Introduction: Provide a concise overview of the news or announcement.
  3. Body: Include relevant details, quotes, and information.
  4. Boilerplate: Offer a brief overview of your company.
  5. Contact Information: Include media contact details for further inquiries.


Please note that this service is offered free of charge by I Am Refocused Radio. However, we reserve the right to decline press releases that do not meet our standards or are not suitable for publication on our platform.

Thank you for considering I Am Refocused Radio as a platform to share your news. We look forward to receiving your press releases and showcasing your announcements to our audience.

Should you have any questions or inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Best regards,

I Am Refocused Radio Team